Monday, August 24, 2009

new skin

Because my blog is officially three years old today, I've decided to get a new skin.

For sometime now, I've been searching for a template to replace the old one. I found this here and liked the clean and fresh albeit cold look. So much different from the one before which had some strong and warm colors. So please bear with me as I try to iron out the kinks, links and what-have-yous in the coming days.


Sidney said...

Three years na... you are old !
Congrats... keep going!
Enjoy your new skin !

kikomeister said...

thanks. the blog is actually much older than that. i created the account in 2002, whilst i was still in the states, but didn't really use it till 2006.

the original blog was in friendster and then i moved to blogdrive and eventually back here. in theory, this blog has come full circle. hehe